One thing she'd learned, thanks to having five older brothers, was never to let anyone push her around.

"It's a girl's name," she said, taking a deep breath and shoving him back. When she finally stood up all the way she was forced to tilt her head back slightly so that she could continue to glare at him the way her older brothers had taught her. Never taking her eyes away from the bully, Rory slowly got up as she wiped dirt off her shirt and jeans.

"Rory's a boy's name," the mean little boy who'd pushed her off the swing only seconds earlier, announced as he glared down at her accusingly. They make me smile, laugh, pull my hair out and make me wonder how I ever got so lucky to have such wonderful children. As always, this book is dedicated to my children, Kayley and Shane. This book is dedicated to all the avid readers out there that have supported me, made me laugh and smile. Mathewson: Tall, Dark & Lonely: A Pyte/Sentinel Series Novel #1 Without Regret: A Pyte/Sentinel Series Novel #2 Tall, Dark & Heartless: A Pyte/Sentinel Novel #3 A Humble Heart: A Hollywood Hearts Series Novel A Reclusive Heart: A Hollywood Hearts Series Novel Playing for Keeps: A Neighbor From Hell Series Novel Perfection: A Neighbor From Hell Series Novel Sudden Response: An EMS Series Novel

e-book ISBN 978-0-988 Checkmate: A Neighbor from Hell © R.L. All of the characters, organizations and events described in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Mathewson Copyright 2012 Smashwords EditionĮdited by Christi Ehrlich, Carla Main and Lieve Van den Heuvel A special thank you to Stephanie Shaw, Gitte Doherty, Amanda Brown, Laura Babcock Dunaway for your time, great advice and for just being the wonderful women that you are.