This is not a conventional romance, and with that I do not mean that it’s a pitch black dark romance, but rather than in my opinion the focus was more on the story per se, so that it read more as a suspense thriler with some romantic aspects rather than a full-fledged romance with suspense elements. And that is probably what I liked the most. Then the other day I finished a book and was in the mood for something a bit different, for a plot that wouln’t be too forseeable and in general for something that would keep me hooked. I bought this book over a year ago when it went on sale on Amazon, but then promptly forgot about it because it wasn’t exactly a priority on the TBR. While I was writing the reviews I realized that I had a great deal of thoughts about this “duet”, what it gave me and on which fronts instead it didn’t deliver - even more than what I eventually put in the final version of the reviews - so if you read them, leave a comment letting me know what you thought of them because I’m really curious. The entire series has about 6 books to date, but I am quite sure that the from book 3 on, different characters are featured, so today I focused only on Killing Sarai and Reviving Izabel, which are Victor and Sarai’s story. Hello guys, it’s been such a long time since I have posted a review that wasn’t an ARC’s but lately I’ve been reading more and I decided I wanted to share with you my thoughts on these two books by J.A.